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Our Farm

The Carroll Family

Want to know more about us?

Read these local articles.

Jacksonville Review Online

Oregon Healthy Living Magazine

About us
We have been lifelong gardeners, but several years ago a desire for safe and healthy food for ourselves and our small children drove us to explore ways to produce more of our own food year-round. We took  organic farming classes through the OSU extension office and set about learning everything we could about small-scale farming. 
We began in 2014 with our hoop house and single plot outside.  We succeeded in growing a majority of the fresh produce for the needs of our family.  We also spent many happy hours preserving foods that sustained us through the winter.  After a successful first year and many lessons learned, we took the next step in our farm dream, providing fresh and nutritious food to our family and friends. 
In 2015 we expanded our number of outdoor plots and ran our first summer CSA.  Over the past two seasons  we have learned many lessons, introduced folks to new and treasured foods such as kohlrabi and ground cherries, and made some great farm friends.  We love the physical work of farming and the time it gives us together outside. 
During the school year Lisa is a part-time farmer as she is also a teacher.  Josh runs the house and the farm all year.  We are proud of the clean food we share with our members and the values the farming lifestyle is instilling in our children.  Every year we take new steps toward self sufficiency and providing more for our community of CSA members. 
The Carrolls
From farm to friend!
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